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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

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A letter from Karla Koll in Guatemala

February 2012

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Grace and peace to you in this month of February, celebrated throughout Latin America as the month of friendship and affection.

On February 1, I underwent surgery to remove a lump from my left breast.  As I was waking up, the surgeon told me that the tumor was malignant and therefore they performed a mastectomy. My first thought was, “I’m a cancer survivor.” Then I realized that I am a cancer patient at this time, but I intend to be a survivor.

I have had outstanding care. There were just a couple of post-surgery problems (low blood pressure, hematoma).  We are so grateful to live where high-quality care is available at reasonable rates for those who can afford it.

I was released from the hospital on Saturday, February 4. The stitches come out on Wednesday, February 8. On that same day we’ll receive the pathology report in order to begin considering treatment options.

I am feeling strong and at peace. I know that God is with me in this unexpected twist in the journey. I also know that I have the love and prayers of sisters and brothers from around the world surrounding me at this time. Thank you for your prayers.  I ask prayers for my husband, Javier, as he accompanies me. I ask you to pray especially for our daughter, Tamara, who is in her freshman year of college in Oregon, and for my father, John Koll. The news of my illness has been very hard on both of them.

In the meantime, the work of CEDEPCA in God’s mission here in Guatemala continues. Classes start on Monday, February 6. We are hoping that the number of students participating in our Biblical and Theological training program will continue to grow. Several groups will be visiting Guatemala through CEDEPCA’s Intercultural Encounters program. Over the next couple of weeks I will be working half time from home.

Please do write. I also have Skype. I’ll write more when I can once again use my left arm.

In God’s love,

P.S.  Please write before you send anything to me. I’ll help you figure out the best way to send things.

The 2012 Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study, p. 6

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