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A letter from Debbie Chase on home assignment from Malawi

Summer 2013

Dear Friends,

Warm summer greetings!

Bob and Edith Rasmussen, Marion Palmer, Larry Braak

Though we are apart, yet we remain together in our hearts through the love we share as we live in covenant relationship with each other and our sisters and brothers in Malawi.  Through e-mail, snail-mail, Skype and visits we share love and joy, sorrow and challenges, and these relationships bloom and grow, strengthen and endure as we live as one family.  I am grateful that these past few months I have been able to visit so many of you here in the U.S. while still remaining in close communication with friends, colleagues, students and former students in Malawi.

Since I last wrote I have visited congregations in Wisconsin, Michigan, Washington, Oregon, and Oklahoma. We have told stories of faith and life, encouragement and blessing, frustration and challenge as we share our lives with our sisters and brothers in Malawi. In all of this we catch a glimpse of the depth and breadth of God’s wondrous love that mysteriously weaves our lives together into a beautiful tapestry that opens us to the fullness of God’s life and transforms us into the likeness of Christ.

The Kirk’s Puget Sound Home with Malawi Flag

In the picture above you will see retired PC(USA) mission co-workers Bob and Edith Rasmussen, who served many years in Malawi, including two years at the University of Livingstonia, College of Theology.  They have kept the fire for sharing life with friends in Malawi burning in their congregation and in their personal lives. They are pictured with friends Marion Palmer and her husband Larry Braak, who have been constant in their encouragement and support for the college. Some who have served in Malawi like Jenny and Henry Kirk find that the partnership has grown so deep and wide that boundaries dissolve and in spirit they have dual citizenship as they fly both the U.S. flag and the flag of Malawi at their home on Puget Sound.      

College of Theology Candidates for the Ministry Licensed

Partner colleagues Robin Quinn and Tyler Holm at the College of Theology keep me updated with reports and pictures of life at the college. Recently they shared the good news of the licensing of 11 of the college’s candidates for the ministry to serve congregations.  These 11 are now addressed as Reverend, and 8 of the 11 will be appointed to serve in Synod of Livingstonia congregations. Three will remain for an additional year to earn a bachelor's degree.  Following a year of successful service in the congregation they will be ordained.  Two of the 11 are women, increasing the number of clergywomen in the synod to 8. Thanks be to God and thanks to all of you, God’s faithful people, who share in this ministry!

During this time of sharing about Malawi on Interpretation Assignment I am also catching up on the many changes in our church and culture here in the U.S.  Books that I recommend that lend keen insight into the changing face of church and culture are Christianity After Religion by Diana Butler Bass and Living the Questions: The Wisdom of Progressive Christianity by David M. Felten and Jeff Procter-Murphy. 

Rev. Maggie Chisi and Rev. Gloria Mlowoka

In addition, a must read for churches and persons involved in community service and international partnerships is Toxic Charity: How Churches and Charities Hurt Those They Help (And How to Reverse It) by Robert D. Lupton, who questions many current patterns of service and proposes healthier ways that promote human dignity and mutual sustainability.  Robert Fulton will be one of the keynote speakers at the PC(USA) World Mission Conference at the PC(USA) Big Tent event, August 1-3, 2013 in Louisville, Ky.  The World Mission Conference theme is "The Power of 'We': Collective Impact in God’s Mission."  For more information visit or call 800-728-7228, ext. 2417. 

On a more personal note there is movement in my search for my next call.  Little by little, “pichoko pichiko” as we would say in Malawi, as we walk forward in faith the way will be made clear. Thank you for sharing in this discernment process through your friendship, encouragement, guidance and prayers.  My new email address is I will also be able to receive email through my address or the "Write" link below through July.

Blessings to you as you fan the embers that will set aflame healthy, life-giving partnerships that restore human dignity, foster mutuality, and give abundant life to all.

Grace and Peace,


Rev. Deborah A. Chase

The 2013 Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study, p. 117
Read more about Debbie Chase's ministry
to Debbie Chase
