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A letter from Michael and Rachel Ludwig, preparing for service in Niger

Winter 2014

Dear Friends and Family,

The past few years have been an interesting journey for us—teaching, going to seminary, expanding our family, and serving in Columbus. Now God is calling us on a new part of our adventure with him in mission. We’re excited to announce to you that we’ve been appointed as mission co-workers in the Republic of Niger through Presbyterian World Mission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). We’ll be working as partners with the Evangelical Church of the Republic of Niger (EERN), helping them develop a literacy training and evangelism program.

All the kids at orientation eating together, with Claire Zuhosky, also preparing to serve as a mission co-worker in Niger

In many ways we feel like this is something for which God has been preparing us for a long time through our previous cross-cultural living experiences and our gifts and passions. For Michael, this new appointment means continuing his call as a pastor in the PC(USA), but being able to use his gifts more for teaching, using his passion for helping people with practical skills, like reading. This position in Niger is somewhat a continuation of the journey he started in seminary by traveling to study Bible schools around the world, seeking to help the church figure out how it can reach out contextually in each place. For Rachel this is a further step in living out her call to accompany people in low economic situations, teaching and investing in the development of our children, and building relationships with her naturally inquisitive approach to cross-cultural sharing. For our whole family this is a calling to be active in addressing the critical global initiatives of poverty alleviation and sharing the gospel of Jesus, as we work through Presbyterian World Mission and in partnership with the EERN.

The Sunshine Band at orientation talent show

As we complete orientation in Louisville, Ky., in January, we invite you to join us in making a commitment to these key issues in the resilient land of Niger. Will you consider coming alongside us with support through prayer, encouragement, ongoing relationship, and financial contributions, so that we may faithfully carry out God’s mission in both the PC(USA) and Niger? At this point there are several ways to become involved in this work. From February through June 2014 we will visit churches, presbyteries, and other groups to share the stories of our call and the work of the global partner we’ll be joining in Niger. We would like to schedule a time to visit with you before we leave the U.S. Please contact us and send us your mailing address and preferred email address to

Please note, we will receive a salary during this time of itineration, so an honorarium is not necessary. However, the hosting congregation generally covers travel and is asked to provide meals and lodging; home stays work well. Travel expenses can often be shared between two or more congregations in the same general area, and World Mission is able to help in some cases.

The kids at orientation talent show, with their teacher, Hilda Zúñiga

We are truly grateful for the support you have been to us in the past and hope that you will be able to join us in some way on this shared journey of a new beginning and focus for our lives. Two prayer requests that we currently have are that our children will each develop at least one good friendship in Niger.  And we pray for God to be preparing our hearts to love the people He puts us in contact with through this new position both in the U.S. and in Niger.  We would like to also pray for you.  So if you would send us a prayer request or two, we would feel honored to pray for you too.

As we work together with partners like you we look forward to being used powerfully in God’s mission both at home and abroad. We plan to be in touch with you through letters, Facebook, and other media such as our blog, and we would definitely welcome your feedback and ideas about this journey on which we’re embarking.

Grace and peace be with you,
Michael and Rachel Ludwig

“For we are not peddlers of God’s word like so many; but in Christ we speak as persons of sincerity, as persons sent from God and standing in his presence”  (2 Corinthians 2:17).

Read more about Michael and Rachel Ludwig's ministry
The 2014 Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study, Niger, p.125

Write to Michael Ludwig
to Rachel Ludwig
Give to E200513forMichael and Rachel Ludwig's sending and support
Give to D507575 for Michael and Rachel Ludwig's sending and support
