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A letter from Wes and Rita Tillett, mission co-workers in Lebanon

September 2011


The Tilletts standing with a group of neighborhood kids.

This was perhaps our most difficult goodbye — the neighbor kids who loved us so well, spent so much time with us, didn’t laugh at our pitiful Arabic skills, and were always up for a game of soccer in the schoolyard.

We are not returning to Lebanon after all.  After months of trying to work things out and months of wrestling with what to do, we finally acknowledged that things simply were not coming together for our return. 

Believe us, we deeply longed to go back to Lebanon.  We’ve faced considerable disappointment and grief in this decision.  But we believe it is a faithful decision in the end. 

It’s not a matter of the political instability of the region, nor another issue with our paperwork.  It came down to the actual needs of the school in Lebanon, the new vision of Presbyterian World Mission, and our own sense of call.  If you’d like to read more about the details of this decision, feel free to read our blog.

So, sadly, this is our last newsletter as PC(USA) mission co-workers in Lebanon.  We want to say thank you for journeying with us.  Your prayers and encouragement often sustained us.  Thank you! 


I imagine you might have some questions for us.   

Did the Tilletts just waste everyone’s time, including their own? 

We certainly don’t think so!  We believe that, by the grace of God, we were able to plant many seeds in the hearts of Lebanese children and teenagers.  We pray that God will cause these seeds to grow up and produce the fruit of the Spirit in these young people’s lives. 

What is more, the PC(USA) and their global partner in Lebanon (the National Evangelical Synod of Syria and Lebanon: NESSL) have learned a lot through our time in Lebanon.  Mission co-workers had not been sent to Lebanon or Syria for many years.  Our time in Lebanon has helped clarify ways the PC(USA) and the NESSL can partner together in the future. 

And, as a by-product of our ministry in Lebanon, we ourselves learned and grew in profound ways.  We pray that as a result from the lessons learned in Lebanon, we will be all the more faithful and effective wherever God takes us next.  Your prayerful support of our ministry has been an investment in our lives and, we hope and pray, an investment in God’s ongoing work here on earth. 

What now? 

We want to encourage you to continue to support the efforts of Presbyterian World Mission.  We are more than excited about the direction World Mission is heading as it seeks to address the three critical global issues it has identified (poverty, evangelism, reconciliation).  We believe these truly are critical issues and we applaud World Mission’s efforts to strategically align itself to address them.  We pray that you will continue to bless your brothers and sisters in Christ with your support of World Mission.  There is a whole world of opportunity and need out there.  Please pray and listen regarding who/what/where God wants you to bless.

We believe that as you bless others, you too will be blessed. 

We also want to encourage you to keep praying for your siblings in Christ in the Middle East.  As perhaps you are aware, trying to follow Jesus in that region of the world is difficult and even dangerous.  Our Middle Eastern brothers and sisters in Christ need us to stand in solidarity with them.  It is quite possible that the persecution of Christians that has been seen in Iraq and Egypt will spread to other nations.  In their time of need, may we be faithful to be there for our brothers and sisters, in prayer and word and action. 

What now for the Tilletts? 

We returned to Lebanon in August (without the kids).  In just one week we were able to pack up our apartment, sell our car, and say our good-byes.  It was both beautiful and bittersweet.

Currently Wes is looking for a job as a pastor in the Reformed Church in America.  We hope to plug in and go deep with a congregation, and keep at the front of our hearts the global realities God has shown us—the spiritual and material poverty that affect so many.  Wherever we end up, we want to stay intimately connected to our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world. 


A wall decorated with an imcomplete mural.

Though it wasn’t quite finished yet, the Student Council was off to a great start with this mural on the school grounds. Our “FRIENDS” in Lebanon are unforgettable.

Wes was able to speak at 10 different churches in the United States this summer, and over $3,000 was raised for the “Library for Lebanon” project.  The Student Council at the Secondary Evangelical School in Zahle, will work with the school administration to purchase books for their library with this money.  Thank you for all who contributed to this project. 

Also, the students began their “school beautification” project—painting a mural on the playground wall.  It’s exciting to see the students continuing to lead and serve their school and community. 


Thank you again for your generous support of our ministry in Lebanon.  We thank God for the graciousness we have received from your hands and thereby seen in your hearts. 

Peace to you. 

Wesley and Rita Tillett

Blog: Tillets in Lebanon
Write to Wesley Tillett.
Write to Rita Tillett.
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