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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

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A letter from Kristi Van Nostran in El Salvador

December 8, 2010

An Encounter with Advent

When I was little, my favorite Christmas craft was the paper chain. As soon as we had we put away the Thanksgiving trace-your-hand turkeys, I was gathering the construction paper, cutting the strips and gluing them together to make the links of the chain. As I reflect back now, it may have been that I loved this simple holiday project because of my, shall we say, limited artistic abilities. At the time, I would have told you that it was because the paper chain was essential to the Christmas countdown. Hanging up a simple chain of 25 paper links inspired anticipation. Starting the 1st of December, removing one link each day became a coveted task among the siblings. Watching the paper chain get shorter and shorter meant that Christmas was getting closer and closer. Excitement and emotion grew with every link that was removed, and for a child, this is the intrigue of Christmas: the waiting, the wishing, the hoping.

Photo of a decorated tree with presents and a Nativity scene under it.

Hope in the change that is to come. The Christmas tree and Nativity scene at Casa Concordia, where Joining Hands shares office space in the offices of the Lutheran Synod.

The energy and enthusiasm among local partner organizations and churches for the Joining Hands–El Salvador Network makes one feel almost like a kid at Christmastime. There is so much passion and commitment to working with and for the impoverished people and communities of El Salvador, and their spirit of organizing is impressive. I remember thinking to myself in my first meeting with the Coordinating Committee: “They really understand the issues, they see the big picture, they’re ready and raring to go; building this network is going to be easy.”

As the meeting went on, it became clear that each partner institution had a different idea about which steps should be taken first, how to truly bring about change, even about what change they want to see. Everyone had their own idea about how we should move forward. “I can lead workshops in all of our churches; I can facilitate development projects in our communities; I can sponsor training programs through our organization; I can organize protests with our students; I have connections, we can even meet with the President while we’re at it.”

All good ideas. I wanted to respect everyone’s opinion and point of view, and I certainly did not want to offend anyone by suggesting that we pause to clarify our objectives. I couldn’t help but wonder, were we rushing the process, or was it just me? I know it can be hard not to let oneself get carried away with eagerness and anticipation. It becomes even harder when you are the “new kid” and you want to encourage the energy of the group. Maybe I was the only one who felt out of sync. Maybe I couldn’t see or simply didn’t understand the method behind the madness. But this didn’t feel like eagerness and anticipation, it felt like we were under the gun; like we were running out of time.

Phot of three men at a podium; one is sitting and one is holding a microphone.

Peace in the spaces of interfaith dialogue. Muslim Imam Dr. Armando Bukele, Episcopal Father Luis Serrano and Lutheran Bishop Medardo Gomez share the stage at a celebration of the Reformation.

Not having been directly affected by 12 long years of civil war like every one of my colleagues around the table, and, in comparison, currently living in relative suburban comfort, I was not faced every day with needs that are so real, with the inequality and injustice that are unmistakable. I knew I needed to look through a different lens in order to appreciate the pressures of a context in which daily reality presents such urgent needs and conditions that cry out for immediate attention. What then could bring people with such diverse personalities, beliefs, experiences and backgrounds together, to make decisions and take actions of one mind? Only hope.

I thought perhaps we could create together a mission and vision for the network, to shift the focus back to the change we anticipate, highlighting our hope in positive outcomes. I thought for sure that could help put everyone on the same page, as well as foster camaraderie in the process. During the extremely dynamic brainstorming session that followed, a number of beautifully worded, thoughtful and poignant phrases were taking shape. I was particularly taken by one suggestion and repeated it out loud: aliviar los efectos de la pobreza y alimentar la esperanza, “to alleviate the effects of poverty and to feed hope.” Then came a response that I hadn’t anticipated; “I don’t want to ‘feed hope.’ I want to fight the injustices; we need to feed people, not feed hope.”

Photo of five woman at a table with food; one of the women appears to be cooking.

oy at table in community. A meal shared with the ladies of Nayarit Women and Youth Collective in Quetzaltepeque.

There was that “kid-at-Christmastime” feeling flooding over me again, only this time it was the disappointment and frustration of the kid who had just realized that by cutting all the links off the paper chain she still could not make Christmas come any sooner

It is true — Joining Hands is about fighting injustice, transforming the systems that prevent God’s people from rejoicing in the abundant life for which they have been created. It is about working through peaceful means to change local and global conditions. We hear in Mary’s Magnificat that this, too, is the message of Christmas — to bring down rulers from their thrones and lift up the humble, to fill the hungry with good things and send the rich away empty.

Joining Hands is also about celebrating community, building solidarity and thoughtfully and patiently participating together in the long, sometimes slow process of actively expecting with confidence the Peace, Joy and Love that is to come. This is the message of Advent: Joining Hands is also about Hope.

Photo of men, women and children; behind them is a body of water

Love: celebrating family and friends. A Sunday afternoon “family” outing to the beach at La Libertad.

As we prepare to celebrate the long-awaited coming of the Messiah who was born into a world filled with violence and greed, hunger and extreme poverty — not so different from the world we live in — we reaffirm our belief that God still wants for us the change God sent Jesus to preach: a world without war, a world without discrimination, a world where the needs of others come before our own interests. Just as Christmas is the beginning, not the end, of the story, we too must begin our story with hope.

Through this journey of Joining Hands we seek to embrace a hope that guides us and gives us purpose, a hope that inspires us to work together to build the world in which we hope to live and a hope that invites us to live for the day when the nations shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into pruning hooks; when nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

May the Hope, Peace, Joy and Love of this Advent Season fill your homes and hearts. And as we “fight the injustices” may we always remember to also “feed the hope.”

Kristi Van Nostran

The 2011 Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study, p. 287
