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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

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Your congregation has a stake in your seminaries

You may be getting along just fine right now ... but where will your next pastor come from? Who will lead the church in 10 years? 20 years?

Tomorrow’s leaders need your prayers and support today, along with your encouragement to attend the PC(USA) seminary that will provide the educational foundation they need to develop Christian disciples among our children, grandchildren and future generations.

Need assistance? Ask the experts

Find your presbytery’s Theological Education Fund network representative. The TEF Network is a group of more than 150 Presbyterian volunteers who work with local congregations, presbyteries and synods to raise awareness of theological education, your Presbyterian seminaries and the TEF.

Support your seminaries through the 1% Plan

The Theological Education Fund (1% Plan) calls for each congregation to make a voluntary contribution of 1 percent of their local operating budget to fund PC(USA) seminaries. Read more about how your congregation can support your seminaries.
