The Theological Education Fund provides the ONLY denomination-wide support for ourPC (USA) seminaries. Seminaries thrive with your congregation’s contribution.
Seminary Support Network/Theological Education Fund
Why should churches fund seminaries?
Reason 1
Our seminaries ensure the development of church leaders to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ for generations to come. Dynamic new leaders deliver the church to future generations. Who will lead in ten years? Twenty?
Seminaries are channels for developing leadership.
Download these stories that lift up the ways seminaries ensure the development of church leaders
Pastors and church educators can hone skills at upcoming Pittsburgh Seminary events
Summer courses continue at Evangelical Seminary of Puerto Rico, providing a range of options
Exploring Christianity in context is key component of Pittsburgh Seminary professor’s work
Former stated clerk brings commitment to leadership development to Louisville Seminary
San Francisco seminary vice president creates ‘safe space’ for learning
McCormick alumna helps churches aid Chicago’s most vulnerable
Auburn Seminary’s Coaching Institute helps church leaders evaluate life, ministry
Texas congregation bettered by skills of Austin Seminary grad
Pastors of color will gather for renewal at upcoming McCormick Seminary gathering
Congregations are foundational to seminaries.
Seminaries are foundational to congregations.
The PC(USA) is twelve seminaries strong. Keep our congregations strong.
In gratitude to God, empowered by the Spirit, strive to serve Christ: Invest in the Theological Education Fund.