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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

Young Adult Volunteers
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Young Adult Volunteers
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Program or Partner

Volunteers will be hosted by the CCAP Synod of Zambia (Church of Central Africa Presbyterian), a small but faithful church involved in living out the Great Commandment and the Great Commission in a context of poverty and economic injustice, witchcraft,  HIV/AIDs and vulnerable children, food insecurity, and a heavy disease burden.  They welcome your willingness to share in this faith journey with them as together you do significant work for the Kingdom of God.

Placement opportunities

Many potential work placements have been identified in the areas of education, advocacy and social justice, Christian ministry and community health and development.  A volunteer placed in Zambia might:

  • Teach at a mission school or community school, for orphans and vulnerable children, in a peri-urban or rural setting 
  • Shadow a young pastor and help with their myriad responsibilities, including home visits, leading worship, Bible studies and various community outreach programs.
  • Work with pastors involved in the Community Health Evangelism program, which includes Bible and seed distribution and, ministering to marginalized people in the community
  • Teach older adults how to read, through the Lay Training Department
  • Work with the Relief and Development Department on projects designed to “help the poor to help themselves”
  • Help develop Christian education materials and/or encourage and help with the development of Sunday Schools
  • Help encourage and establish good business practices for pastors and lay leaders involved in supplemental income generating activities (since many of their congregations are not able to support them, they must do farming or carpentry or tailoring on the side).

This is only a sampling.  There are MANY more opportunities to use your particular gifts or to stretch and grow you in new directions of interest!


YAVS will be living with a host family in the community.  YAVs will use public transportation (mini-bus/vans) to travel to and from work, for shopping, etc.  YAVs will be treated as adult children in the home (not as a guest) and will be expected to help with household chores.

intentional community living aspects

During the orientation and periods for reflection, YAVs will be housed on the campus of Justo Mwale Seminary in Lusaka.  The 6-week initial orientation will be a time of community-building with local church leaders and with each other. Because, Zambia is so vast and the volunteers will not be located close together (we will try to assign pairs to general locations) there will be two week-long retreats in January and June, in places of national interest and natural beauty (two possibilities: Victoria Falls or South Luangwa Game Reserve). 


Age: 21-30

Education: College degree desired

FYI:  Reformed/Presbyterian Churches in Zambia consider alcohol consumption and smoking inconsistent with the Christian life.

Other: Openness to living simply, sensitive to cultural diversity, ability to work both individually and in group settings, willingness to learn the basic greetings of another language, ability to adjust personal expectations and preferences to respond appropriately to the needs of the community, be WIDE OPEN to what God will do in and through and for you!

site coordinator

Sherri Ellington

Apply Now!


