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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

Educational Ministries
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Choosing educational resources

Quarterly curriculum? Rotation model materials? Online resources? DVD clips? Choosing age-appropriate, dynamic, life-changing, formative teaching materials for the educational ministry of your church is an important task.

Evaluating Curriculum for Reformed Identity

There are many different ways to evaluate curriculum. This form will help your congregation look for examples of teaching and learning activities that are distinctly Reformed. The process can be used to evaluate curricula from a variety of publishers, including online resources.


Choosing Curriculum Evaluation Tool Activity


Help is available

Churches often need help with the interpretation and evaluation of curriculum. They want to know the scope and sequence of the material — what is taught and when — and to look at sample lessons. Many publishers provide this information online. Visit specific publisher’s Web sites for downloadable samples and to view the scope and sequence.

Basic Guide to Finding Scope, Sequence, and Samples

A basic guide for finding the scope and sequence of stories and sample sessions of a particular curriculum can help committees navigate the internet and find the tools they need to meet their educational ministry goals.


Congregations can get personal assistance with curriculum interpretation by contacting their presbytery POINT representative or resource center staff.

Register for planning course

Training and tools for curriculum evaluation and lesson planning tools are available through Opening Doors to Discipleship, Course A, Session 12. Register for this free online resource by contacting your denominational representative for the login number.

Finding denominational Curricula for All Ages

Curriculum options from PC(USA)

Congregational Ministries Publishing (CMP) and Presbyterian Publishing Corporation (PPC) provide Presbyterian Reformed curriculum and books for children, youth, and adult faith formation. Consider the newly-introduced children’s curriculum, Growing in Grace & Gratitude, or the lectionary curriculum for all ages, Feasting on the Word Curriculum, and other denominational resources for educational ministries in your congregation.
