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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

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Prayer letter from Leith and Carol Fujii in Thailand

August 2013

Dear Praying Friends and Family,

Wandering in the wilderness...confused, without direction...that's what it seemed like to Pharoah and his armies as they watched the children of Israel on the move.  The perception was probably shared by a good number in the Israeli camp also; without clear logistics, no GPS navigation...unsettling...and vulnerable to attack! But what seemed to be confused, pointless wandering to human eyes was known with crystal clarity and was precisely being directed in Hands that hold the beginning and end of all things...Hallelujah!

After three wonderful months of Interpretation Assignment Stateside, where logistics went incredibly well and plans and expectations were exceeded, we wondered about what was up ahead when we returned to Thailand.  We have shared about an anticipated transition in our ministry foci, but we didn't know how this was to take place and even where we would begin...We only sensed that God had placed a new direction on our hearts.  

Over the past 15 years of ministry at BIT, we have been richly blessed being in a vital ministry setting; good relationships in and outside of the Church; some handle of Thai; our children completing undergraduate studies and transitioning to independent living; good health; and so much more.  We were comfortable, yet sensing that we could be using this blessing as a foundation for ministry in other important areas where attention and resources are most lacking.  Helping the Thai Church to mobilize for global missions and to engage in ministry with their "M" neighbors are two of these territories that God has placed on our heart!

But moving from a familiar structure, with established responsibilities and schedule to the unmarked wilderness is...tremendous opportunity (Leith) as well as…nerve-wracking (Carol)!  Together, though, we began by trying to articulate, then discuss with supervisors (and later, disseminate to co-laborers and supporters) a description of the foci for our ministry during the next two years.  At the end of the two years our goal is to have a clearly defined ministry objective and structure for what can only be defined today as foci to work toward.  

We have so much to learn, especially about a contextualized approach to discipleship, but as we have begun to move out in this direction, God has faithfully led us and brought just the right resources and people to help us with the next step.  

Thank you for journeying with us in prayer.  Let's continue seeking God and waiting upon him expectantly as we simply follow His lead one step at a time. We certainly sense the importance of your support and prayers. Thanks again!


1. For wisdom as Carol meets one-on-one with women at the Well from very broken family backgrounds.

2. That God would open clear doors of friendship with M people.

3. BIT has asked us to be available to serve at the Christian University, where only about 20 out of 3,000 students are believers.

4. God has led us to come alongside asylum seekers and UN refugee families from the Congo and Pakistan.

6. Keeping the need for world mission involvement in front of BIT students and the overall Thai church.

Together with you in the wilderness of life,

Leith and Carol Fujii

The 2013 Presbyterian Mission Yearbook for Prayer & Study, p. 195
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