Angela Williams
Philippines YAV 2014-15
I was raised in Oakland Avenue Presbyterian Church in Rock Hill, SC. I have been very involved in the church throughout her life through serving on committees, attending youth conferences, singing in the choir, working at the presbytery’s summer camp, and serving as a Young Adult Advisory Delegate to the 221st General Assembly. I am a recent graduate of Washington and Lee University in Lexington, VA, where I majored in Religion and Psychology and minored in Poverty and Human Capability Studies. During my time there, I was involved in community service, mental health awareness, interfaith dialogue, choral performance, and raising awareness of conflict in Israel/Palestine. I see this YAV year as another opportunity to use my life to serve God and serve others. After spending a semester studying abroad in Jerusalem, Israel, I am excited to stretch myself even further by living, working, and learning for a year in the Philippines. I am extremely grateful for any and all forms of support, whether it is prayers, financial gifts, or following this adventure. If you would like to keep up with my journey, please follow me at my blog