Emily Miller
I am Emily Miller. A common name, perhaps, but everyday I strive to live into who God crafted me to be—a uniquely gifted woman and reflection of Christ’s radiant light. Growing up in Boise, Idaho taught me the adventures that the outdoors can bring. I enjoy spending time exploring creation through hiking, biking, canoeing, and camping…to name a few of my favorites. But my love of adventure runs further than the mountains. I have a heart that longs to understand and experience different cultures, both abroad and in my hometown.
My family has always been a strong example to me of Christ’s love. God has blessed me from the moment I was born and has always had a strong grasp on my life. Growing up in a family that glorifies God has taught me to always trust in the Lord for my strength. I also had incredible examples and mentors at my home church, Covenant Presbyterian Church.
I am a recent graduate of Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington where I studied Psychology and Theology. Growing up with an older sister gave me a passion for justice. One cannot count the number of times I have yelled, “but Mom…it isn’t fair!” Although I am not sure of the exact path I will take once I return from my YAV year, helping others and promoting justice in the name of Christ has always been a necessary component to any of my future dreams.