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“Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” — Luke 23:42

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Presbyterian Health NetworkThe Presbyterian Health Network includes parish nurse ministry, presbytery and congregational health ministries and advocacy for health, healing and wholeness and welcomes your participation.

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Health Awareness and Day of Prayer for Healing and Wholeness


phn health awareness graphic

PHEWA’s Presbyterian Health Network (PHN) offers resources to assist in observing Health Awareness and Day of Prayer for Healing and Wholeness.  Our 2015 theme is ”Fear Not. . .  Sorting Truth from Fiction in Healthcare,” tips for seeking out credible health-related information on the internet and increasing one’s Health Literacy. Health Awareness Sunday/Day of Prayer for Healing and Wholeness can be observed at any time/times in the life of your worshiping community, throughout the year. It is our hope and prayer that, beyond observation of a Health Awareness Sunday, we will all work together to ensure a place for everyone at the Lord’s Table where the gifts of all God’s people are valued, supported, and affirmed.


previous resource packets for health awareness sundays:  

2014: When Life Is A “D” Word; Facing Darkness or Depression (Isaiah 9:2) Download
2013: Trusting in God Reduces Stress in our Lives;
         "Consider the Lilies..." (Luke 12:22-28) Download
2012: Faithful Care of Our Bodies: Our Most Important Tool for Ministry Download
2011: Journey Through the Valley: A Presbyterian Resource for End of Life Issues Download

Celebrate Caregiver Sunday

Rest for your soul...

Caregiver SundayPHEWA’s Presbyterian Health Network (PHN) offers annual resources for recognizing and celebrating those who Offer Care.  More than 65 million people, 29% of the U.S. population, provide care for a chronically ill, disabled, or aged family member or friend during any given year.  The responsibilities and challenges of caring for a loved one can cause significant stress to the family caregiver.  The Church is in a unique position to pray for and offer practical help to caregivers through a variety of means to share hope, care, and provide rest for the soul.  We offer these resources, and those from previous years, to guide you in this ministry.



previous resource PACKETS

  • 2012 Caregiver Sunday packet: "Shelter from the Storm" Download
  • 2011 Caregiver Sunday packet: "Journey In the Desert; For Caregivers Of Those Living With Mental Illness" Download
  • 2010 Caregiver Sunday packet: "Honor Your Gifts; 'Do not neglect the gift that is in you...' 1 Timothy 4:14" Download

On Supporting Single Payer Universal Healthcare Reform

Learn more about the PC(USA)'s 'Single Payer Universal Healthcare Reform' overture that was passed by the 218th  General Assembly in 2008.

PC(USA) Wellness Connection

The PC(USA) Wellness Connection helps to identify Presbyterian congregations who are working to live out, sustain and promote whole health and wellness within their own life and within the wider community. Through this directory PHN can identify and lift up outstanding models of ministry. It also enables congregations to contact each other directly to learn about health ministries. Individual members of congregations can use the directory to learn about health ministries that may be able to assist with such issues as long-distance caregiving. The directory is all about being Presbyterian — a connectional church, living out our call to be a community of health, healing and wholeness.

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